Feb 7, 2009

It's Coffee time

You now have read how my morning starts. Sometime in between making the hounds chow and cleaning up their bowls I manage to work in making my morning pot of coffee.
Again remember I'm a Yankee down here in the South. Mississippi to be exact and for some strange reason Mississippi doesn't believe in Dunkin Donuts. Go figure. Anyway in order to have my DD coffee fix that I have become acustom to I have to order my DD Coffee on line.
Are you wondering how this plays into the whole greyhound thing? It does trust me here. Now let me state up front that COFFEE IS BAD FOR DOGS!!! now that we have cleared that up.
After the crew is done eating I'm allowed some "me" time. To sit down and enjoy my morning cup of java. But that is short lived.
At some point my big red goober of a boy, Augie, found a love for coffee. Is there nothing sacred for me? Guess not.
No cup of coffee is safe in my home. At around 10 am is when the begging, drooling, barking, crazy greyhound dancing begins. Now as if it wasn't bad enough that I had one crazy hound but when Pooh came into our life (just 4 months ago) somehow she learned a love of coffee from Augie. Wonderful!
So I share with you the sure bliss of a greyhound and THEIR coffee

Again PLEASE don't freak out. In those coffee cups is like a total of 2 teaspoons of coffee.
Honestly I really do own 3 greyhounds. So far you have just heard about 2, Augie and Pooh. Tomorrow I promise to write about Brookie. My wonderful, sweet, do no wrong, senior gal

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