Mar 5, 2009

The Angels

Sadly our dogs do not live forever. Also no matter how much time we are given with any dogs it never seems enough.
The reason for me writing about this today is a good friend of mine is faced with saying goodbye to one of her hounds. Each and every time I hear of a hound passing it always brings me back to those days when I have had to say good bye to my own dogs.
What I have found is that it never gets easier. The choices are always hard on your heart but these are the choices we have to make in order to share our lives with these amazing animals. I will always put my dogs first before I will ever worry about my sadness at saying good bye to them. This is my last job I have to do for them, my last gift to release them from pain, or old age, or whatever it is they may be suffering from.
These dogs, while they may leave the earth we live on are never far away. They live on in our hearts, in our memories, there is always a part of them that never leaves. I find a slight comfort in knowing that.
So what I would like to share with everyone. Love your dogs as if there is no tomorrow. Don't sweat the small stuff, laugh it off because some day you will be wanting to hunt around for that pair of glasses they stole and chewed up. You will be wanting to clean up that barf on your carpet cause they went outside and ate a bunch of grass. These small things that may aggravate you now will be the major things you are searching for when they are gone.
To my Angels at the bridge, Rudy, Willow, Momma dog, Cassie, Weenie, Dave, and Pup. What I wouldn't give for just one more day with you all. Your body is not here for me to pet and love on but your memories live on forever in my heart. I love you!!

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