Do I want to??? Well, not really, but if I'm needed then sure I would go help out.
So last night I ventured out into the working world with people instead of dogs. Now I'm not an antisocial person but I have long ago learned that I much rather work with the dogs then humans. It's OK, I understand this and I actually embrace it.
Yes, I can work with humans and even do well at it for short periods of time but it's just not my cup of kibble if you know what I mean.
So off I go to "play" bartender for the night for 500 guest at the Biloxi town green. Nothing too hard, beer, wine, soda or water. Pretty simple.
Through the night I find myself wonder Why the heck I agreed to do this and why in the world am I not home lounging with the hounds.
It was a pretty long night, starting at 6 with setting up the stations, filling coolers with ice, wine, sodas and waters. Filling up the trash cans with ice that hold the beer, setting up the food and snacks at the food tables. Ending around 11:30 with the break down of the whole event.
As I looked around as a Newbie to this job I found that every one's work ethic is not the same as mine. Working with the dogs for so many years, well you basically work, you work until the whole job is done.
50lbs of dog food is slung over your shoulders, you find you can in fact carry several pans of dog food at one time, to lessen the amount of trips you have to make.
So to carry one stack of cups to a station, just to have make this trip 10 more times, instead of carrying 3 stacks at a time to only have to make 4 trips, well I just don't get it.
Oh well, we all work differently. But through the night I continued to say to myself "yuppers this is why I don't work with humans"
Give me my hounds, the dogs, the things that I know and feel most comfortable with. I would rather work a back breaking 20 hrs a day with the dogs then 4 hrs "easy" work out in the public.
It's just different strokes for different folks, or as they say in the horse racing world, different courses for different horses.
At the end of the night, everything that was set up had to be broken down and carried to the trailers. Sure everyone was tired by this point and most were happy just to sit around and have a few beers themselves, but, umm, Hello??? the job is not done. The longer we sit around the later we will get out of this place.
Again I go back to the dogs, you know what, if you're tired it really doesn't matter, dogs still need to be cared for. You get off your butt and get your job done.
And as to why the photo of Pooh above, well this is the photo that sorta signified how I felt. Just the question of "ummm why?"
I must say, walking in the door to my home and to be greeted by my crazy pack of hounds, well let me put it pretty simple, IT WAS HEAVEN!
So to sum it all up SEND ME TO THE DOGS PLEASE
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